Microwave Techniques has several locations and facilities to support the manufacture of microwave components, systems, and RF solutions. Its location in Gorham, Maine, USA has two facilities across the street from one another that focus on the manufacture of components. Microwave Techniques location in Nashua, New Hampshire, USA focuses on industrial microwave systems and generators, as well as spare parts and service. Microwave Techniques GmbH manufactures microwave and RF circulators, isolators, loads, windows, and other components for European markets.
Gorham, Maine,
USA Locations

MT Components Division
28/29 Sanford Drive, Gorham, ME 04038
Nashua, New Hampshire
USA Location

MT Systems Division
104 Perimeter Road, Nashua, NH 03063
Hamburg, Germany
Europe Location

MT GmbH Division
Bötelkamp 31, D-22529 Hamburg, Germany