Microwave Techniques manufactures ultra-high vacuum phase shifters in waveguide configuration for high-power microwave and RF applications. We specialize in advanced manual and motorized UHV phase shifter devices for use in UHV environments. Typically, these devices reach our clients and end users in the medical and scientific sectors. To discuss your application or product requirements, contact our team of experts today.

Ultra-High Vacuum Phase Shifters: Capabilities Overview
Microwave Techniques has a wide range of design, engineering, and manufacturing capabilities involving ultra-high vacuum phase shifters. We develop an array of innovative solutions to continuously improve these products, with new adaptations and technology updates happening regularly as part of our ongoing research and development efforts.
A general overview of our current capabilities for UHV phase shifters and related products includes:

- Manual and motorized options
- Several waveguide sizes available
- Industry-leading WR-284, S-Band designs
- Complete line of UHV flanges and interfaces
- Utilization of unique vacuum rated materials
- Variety of options for cooling and pressurization
- A specialized focus in 2.998 GHz and 2.856 GHz
- Accessories and components: flanges, gaskets, and more
UHV Phase Shifters: Product Spotlight
As a product spotlight, Microwave Techniques welcomes you to view the ultra-high vacuum phase shifters below:

Sliding Short Style w/ Motorized Drive

Probe Style, Manual
Microwave Techniques: Ultra-High Vacuum RF Device Experts
Microwave Techniques continues to lead the way in its product line expansion of unique, innovative, and advanced ultra-high vacuum devices. As we expand our clean room facilities with more capacity and upgrade our equipment with fully-integrated microwave technology, our teams continue to research, develop, and test new devices in the UHV and vacuum environments. The design of these components is in direct support of the cutting edge technologies that demand these style devices, including particle accelerator development and medical linear accelerator research.

Whether your application requires an advanced ultra-high vacuum phase shifters, or simple UHV replacement parts, such as flanges, gaskets, or waveguide – the experts at Microwave Techniques are here to help.

Every component utilizes vacuum-rated materials such as low-outgassing ceramics, OFHC copper, and non-magnetic stainless steel. From advanced brazing techniques, to unique vacuum packaging protocols – our entire process centers around the UHV environment. All ultra-high vacuum components undergo cleaning, assembly, testing, and packing – all in one place: our world-class, ISO Class 5 clean room. We take pride in manufacturing state-of-the-art RF devices.
Learn more about Microwave Techniques UHV phase shifters by speaking to an expert today!