Microwave Techniques waveguide tees are available in various configurations, including: shunt, series, magic, and folded magic tees. We manufacture each style to exacting electrical and mechanical specifications. Our emphasis on high-power microwave applications and RF solutions allows us to provide tees for nearly any type of system layout. Microwave Techniques various tee configurations are available from WR90 to WR2300+

Waveguide Tees: Configuration Styles and Design Types
Waveguide tees are available in several different geometries, configuration styles, sizes, and design types. This product line includes our standard offering, as well as custom solutions design engineered and fabricated per application.
An overview of our different configuration styles and design types of tees includes:

- Shunt tees
- Magic tees
- Series tees
- H-plane tees
- E-plane tees
- Tee switches
- Tee assemblies
- Folded magic tees
- Vacuum pump-out tees
Most of our tee configurations and associated components are available in sizes ranging from WR90 to WR2300.
Technical Product Data and Specifications
Microwave Techniques manufacturing capabilities and processes provide maximum symemetry in fabrication.
This typically results in the following electrical performance over a 10% waveguide bandwidth:
Waveguide Magic Tees | |
Colinear Balance | + 0.1 dB |
Insertion Loss | Less than 0.1 dB |
E-H Isolation | 30 dB minimum |
VSWR | 1.10:1 |

Waveguide Shunt and Series Tees | |
Colinear Balance | + 0.1 dB |
Insertion Loss | Less than 0.1 dB |
VSWR | 1.10:1 |

Folded Magic Tees
Folded magic tees and configurations are available for monopulse applications, or for when the use of a standard magic tee presents a mechanical interfacing problem. In addition to designs with our standard dimensions, we can also custom design to meet your specific system requirements. Our typical capabilities for folded magic tees includes:

- E-plane
- H-plane
- 4:1 aspect ratios
- Special flange configurations
- Heavy wall waveguide options
About Waveguide Tees
What is a waveguide tee? Waveguide tees are typically 3-port or 4-port devices with rectangular cross sections that are used in microwave or RF systems. Their main purpose is to combine or split power within waveguide systems.

What applications are waveguide tees used in? Generally, they are utilized in most applications involving high-power microwave and RF technology. This includes application examples such as: scientific and medical research, various radar-based applications, satellite and broadcast communications, industrial microwave processing, and more.

What design types are there? Examples include: shunt, series, magic, folded magic, E-plane, and H-plane tees.

What specifications are important when analyzing the design of tees?
When analyzing, researching, or procuring waveguide tees, the following specifications are critical to consider:

- Isolation
- Frequency
- Flange type
- Power level
- Plane (E or H)
- Insertion loss
- Waveguide size
- Configuration type
To inquire about products, or to discuss requirements with a technical RF specialist, contact our team today!